Introduction to Patchwork Block Making


Introduction to patch work using a sewing machine to learn how to make triangular sections sewn and pressed to make square quilt blocks which will be incorporated into a final piece.

Dates:Three Saturday afternoons – Saturday 8th March and Saturday 15th March and Saturday 29th March 2025.

Course length:3 x 1 day workshops ( 3 hour session )
Time: 2pm-5pm
Suitable for: Adults and Improvers

Concessions available: See below

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This is an introduction to patch work using a sewing machine, learning a common technique of half square triangles which will be sewn and pressed to make some square quilt blocks. We will incorporate them into 2 panels which will be machine quilted, and you choose to turn them into a cushion cover, drawstring bag or hot water bottle cover.

During these lessons you can get confident with cutting fabric with the rotary cutter and acrylic quilting ruler. Learn a quick method of making 8 x HST’s( half square triangles), with 2 squares of fabric. Setting and pressing seams, and sewing them together, to create any of 6 patterns.

Stitching your 3 layers together ( top with patterned quilt blocks, batting, and backing fabric). Learning simple machine quilting, in straight lines, or grids or waves.

Suitable for anyone who has used a sewing machine before, confidently thread one up, and sew a straight line.

Location: Sew Fabulous Studio - Studio 10, Brighton Open Market, Marshalls Row, Brighton, BN14JU ( Map link )

*Limited concessions are available for students, OAPs, unemployed or low-waged in receipt of benefits get 15% Off! Proof required at first class. ( Please add the coupon code 'CONC15' at your basket )